IM2 the original XLR audio adapter for all DV & video cameras or portable recorders.
First introduced in 1994 for professional videographers IM2 remains the unrivaled Reference on the market. IM2 provides great features only found on expensive professional mixers in an ultra compact unit. It is also the best partner of portable MD recorders, RDAT, computers & UMTS high quality cellular transmiters. Both extensive experience and accurate understanding of user's needs made IM2 alway prefered to any other adapters when superb sound quality, versatility and reliability are required: the natural choice of all videographiers professional or non professional.
Features :
- Two Phantom Powered inputs for two Professional Mics
- Dual Two poles Bass Filters + defeat: 150Hz - 65Hz or linear (one per channel)
- Trully Balanced XLR Inputs : Record any combination of the two inputs onto separate audio tracks (right and left) for cable runs of up to 150ft
- Auxiliary 1/8" Input jack on channel A for Versatility (perfect for the Shoeps CMBI mic)
- MIC/LINE Level Switched XLR input on channel B for Versatility
- two asymetrical mic level ouputs on stereo 1/8" plug
- Low Noise with nearly zero insertion loss Transformers for Superb Sound
- smaller and lighter than casual adapters without phantom power, batteries and bass filters !
- IM2 is a passive device. Power required only for Phantom
Specifications :
- Input Connectors:
- two gold plated Neutrik XLR connectors with locking so the cables won't slip out - auxiliary 1/8" jack for input A
- Phantom Power: swichable 18V on both inputs
- from 100 up to 500 hours battery life time varies with mics
- input impedance: 150 to 1000 ohm low impedance
- Max. Input Voltage: MIC: 1600mV / LINE: 16V (1% THD @ 1KHz)
- Dual Audio Level Controls for true linear and precise adjustment: no steps
- NEW Flat Knobs for Drift Free Operation, can be ajusted with one finger only
- sealed Waterproof professional audio grade pots for outstanding reliability
- Professional shielded output cord. length: 23" (60cm)
- Voltage Blocking Circuit to handle the "Plug-In Power" Mic Jacks found on most of the Sony cameras for noise and offset free operation
- Freq. Response : better than 20Hz - 25KHz varies with cameras
- no noise, no hum, no buzz, no hiss : this is a professional device
- not only transformers but the complete IM2 provides perfect shielding
- the wire that connects to the camera's input jack is also shielded!
- carefully handcrafted in a heavy duty metal proprietary box.
- Case Finish: Flat black
- Dimensions: ultra compact 4.45" x 2.45" x 1.22" (11.3 x 6.2 x 3.1 cm)
- weight : 335 g / 10 oz. including two PP3 9V batteries
- two premium grade printed circuit boards with gold plated interconnects
- easy access to batteries ; door opens with a coin operated screw
- Nagra style embleded professional toggle switches for unrivaled reliability
- best second hand value on the market (if any available)
The first reason for using an XLR adapter is to connect good microphones. Condenser professional mics need to be powered from the mixer : this is called phantom power. IM2 is the only adapter providing 2 phantom powered inputs for 2 professional mics. Because sound quality comes first from good mics, you need phantom power if you expect to use them. If you don't, only casual mics can be connected, thus reducing the quality of your sound. Beware, good mics are not cheap : this is the price to pay to get a really good sound. If one tells you about good and cheap mics without phantom power, get first the advice of a pro sound eng before buying them !!
Why did we choose 18V phantom power instead of 48V ? 48V power costs much in battery life time and electronic reliability with no real gain in quality for video production. (for studio recordings 48V is still required). Now excellent mics using from 9 to 54 V phantom power are made by the best manufacturers : Sennheiser, Audio Technica, AKG, Beyer, Shoeps... 48V requires an electronic voltage converter that is itself power ungry : whenever one forget to switch it off at nigth, you will need a new battery in the morning even if no microphone was connected. If you don't have a new battery, forget about your sound... Please check the life time specifications of devices providing 48V : none of them will guaranty much more than 8 hours. Some manufacturers (well known) do even just indicate 4 hours without phantom : from these you can not expect more than 2 hours when phantom is switched on !!! Our 18V phantom will give you a minimum of 100 hours and up to 500 hours in operation with electret mics (100 hours only when Shoeps microphones are used).
Power is applied to the microphones only when they are connected to IM2, so the power switch position only matters when microphones are connected. To prolong battery life, just disconnect the two XLR when not in use or switch power off between takes.
IM2 is the only adapter that has two selectable bass reduction filters per channel. These filters provide two different bass roll-off frequencies : 65Hz and 150Hz (plus a defeat position).
Professional microphones have a very flat and extended low frequency response. Many times, particularly where the hall has an emphasized bass frequency response
("hall boom") like bathroom, in cars, planes, trains, trafic jams, industrial environments or windy whether, it is essential to lower bass frequencies to keep the precious sounds (voices) from being overloaded or masked. These filters will also cancel all background hum and noises produced by computer's ventilator, air conditioning systems, motorways, etc ... So a quiet interview will no more be poluted by mechanical background noises. Also, and may be this is the most important, when the camcorder is equipped with an nonswitchable auto gain control, the low cut filters will prevent pumping effect mostly due to very low frequencies. Using the filters will remove more than 70% of this problem !!!! An other IM2 exclusivity.
IM2 works with all camcorders and recorders providing mic inputs (powered or not powered). If you ever upgrade or replace your camcorder or if you use several cameras or sound recorders, you don't need to have a different XLR adapter for each camera : only IM2.
IM2 can be hold in any pocket or fitted under the camera when using the Reporter or the MiniRep. You can also hold IM2 on our SuperFix Shoulder Pod
IM2 on the MiniRep for mini DV - IM2 alone - IM2 on the Reporter for all DV
On all cameras providing only one bargraph, the balance of the two channels should be ajusted on IM2 and controled with the headphone. Master level (both channels) is ajusted on the camera and should not be set over the medium position to avoild increasing inputs background noise. Excellent result is obtained with a directive microphone (Sennheiser MK6 series, Schoeps, AKG, Beyer M88, Audio Technica shotgun or AT33A,...) hold in the Reporter's mic bracket suspention and a wired or wireless lavalier mic carried by the main orator. If using lavaliers or wireless mics, pay careful attention to proper placement and rigging. Check for clothing and wind noise. Many other figures are possible depending on shooting conditions. Professionaly speaking, more than stereo, the important point is to get a clear and intelligible sound in any circumstance. A proper microphone deployment and volume controling are still essential if you want a professional sounding track. Use the same mics and techniques that you would on a big budget show. Mic your subjects from close overhead with a boompole, and use high quality ENG or excellent shotgun mics. During the post production process, the best of the two tracks is choosen or both channels are mixed. This is the reason why the two tracks should never be recorded ready mixed. If you think one microphone is enough for what you have to record, always use two !!!! The second sound track may save your sound some times. It cost nothing to clip a small lavalier mic on your shoulder in addition to the main mic hold in the Reporter suspention. If a sound engineer has to work with you, you can get the sound out of his mixer (or directly from his microphone on the boom) on channel B and keep your own sound on channel A. So you get the maximum security for your soundtrack. The switchable line/mic input B can receive a mixed line signal from any professional mixer (SQN, SONOSAX, COOPER, SHURE, ...) or any wireless mic. If your camcorder is equipped with an nonswitchable auto gain control, then your best strategy for eliminating or reducing the "hunt for some sort of noise to amplify" is to make sure that you feed a well mixed or well chosen signal to the camera.
How to connect IM2 : We recommend slipping a rubber band around the mini connector and pulling it around the camera body like an oxygen
mask, thus applying inward tension on the connector. The cable should be strain relieved by tying or taping it to something sturdy on the camera body, such as the strap lug.
Never allow any weight to tug directly on the mini jack of the camcorder; the jack is fragile and can loosen or damage easily.
There is an old computer programmers expression that goes "garbage in, garbage out". Small camera or not, a tripod, a shoulder pod, lights and a good mic front end
will still make the difference between a home movie and a professional product.